Health Benefits of Meditation and Good Posture

Woman taking a break from work and meditating by a large window

As we soldier through the digital age, a resurgence of ancient practices have sprouted up to remind us to check in with ourselves. That’s right, we’re talking about self-care, a vital component of happiness that happens to also be a $10 billion industry.

Within the self-care sphere exists a time-honored psychological practice that more and more people are finding solace in: Mindfulness.

Mindfulness involves savoring each experience by tapping into the present moment. Perhaps no ritual assists in this endeavor more than meditation, and a fundamental to meditation is upright posture. Here’s how meditation helps improve posture and welcome abundant health benefits.


Meditation and Posture

During meditation, good posture is vital to shutting out the distractions of the world and tapping into your meditative flow. Like yoga, meditation relies heavily on the breath for guidance. Focusing on the inhales and exhales allows the brain to eliminate external noise, and settle into a relaxed state.

To assume proper meditation posture, sit upright on the ground with your legs crossed. Roll your shoulders back, keep the chest up and the chin aligned with the floor. Take care to elongate the spine, which is the foundation of your meditation pose. Let your hands fall open on your knees, or bring them together in front of your heart. The importance is to keep your body (and heart) open, spine straight and shoulders relaxed.

Solidifying your meditation posture serves as a foundation to improve posture when you’re not meditating. Furthermore, you’ll welcome mental clarity, focus and improved moods.

The Brain on Meditation

There are neurological benefits to meditation including reduced anxiety, improved attention and mental focus. Not coincidentally, upright posture produces similar results. In fact, meditation can invite the same benefits of good posture because, in practice, meditation requires good posture.

Let’s dive deeper.

A 2013 study found that meditating for just a couple of weeks can significantly improve focus and memory. Gaining focus is central to meditation, so it’s no surprise that meditating elevates mental cognition.

Ultimately, the brain obtains focus when it successfully prevents the mind from wandering. Practicing meditation and good posture offers the potential to improve focus–in a meditative state and throughout your day– exponentially.

Practice Meditation with a Posture Corrector

So, now that we know the power of meditation on the brain, and the influence posture has on meditation, let’s discuss how you can blend meditation and upright posture into a force of well-being.

As with any new habit or exercise, consistency is key. That doesn’t mean you need to meditate for an hour every day in order to see results. In fact, meditating for 10-15 minutes a day can affect positive change. Similarly, having good posture starts with a simple shift, but a conscious effort to sit upright can radiate throughout your life with physical, mental and emotional benefits.

Tap into your flow by combining your meditation practice with daily posture training sessions! That’s right, you can wear a device to help with posture while you meditate to ensure your spine is aligned and back posture is straight. UPRIGHT GO is a posture corrector that vibrates when you slouch, gently reminding you to sit upright.

Daily, 15-minute training sessions can yield results in just 2 weeks. However, the long-term benefits of both meditation and posture training are paramount.

Self-care starts with you, and the heights of your potential are limitless. Meditation combined with posture training? That’s a surefire way to invite ultimate bliss, peace and mindfulness in full force.

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