
Straight back posture Device

Helping 750,000 + people
transform their posture

15,000+ reviews
UpRight users report


We apply biofeedback and behavioral science to design posture and back health solutions that makes a difference and consumers love

how it works

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Compatible with iOS 11 and Android 8.0 and later versions

UpRight users report

Your Reviews,
our Story

These stories are from users of the
devices and are based
on their actual experiences.

The services we provide are not intended to
replace consultation with a
qualified healthcare
professional or serve as a substitute to any
diagnosis or treatment.

This device has
for me!

Chris T., Verified Review
I am in good shape but after 10 years of sitting at a desk 10+ hours a day my posture had deteriorated to a point where it was causing me a lot of pain, discomfort, and embarrassment. It had become second nature for me to always slouch and I had zero awareness of when I slouched except when I would see a picture of myself.
Bad posture isn’t always due to a lack of strength and physicality but a lack of awareness. For me, it was a bad habit formed over many years. This device truly helped me to kick my bad posture habit. I keep this device in training mode all day because it reminds me with a little vibration to straighten up every time I slouch. This is exactly what I needed! The first day I wore this device I was surprised to learn how often I was slouching and I admit it was really hard to maintain good posture all day. With time it has become easier and I am now more self-aware. I am proud to say my posture has significantly improved with this device. The app is super cool and intuitive - this is just a well thought out product. This device has been life-changing for me.
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Your Back Health is our Mission

After an incredible amount of research, discussions with doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, and product testing, Upright was officially born in 2014.

Since then, our singular focus has been to empower people to live life to their full potential by unlocking better back health.

“My mother is now pain free and enjoys healthier posture. Our mission is to help millions looking for the same outcome ”

Oded Cohen, Founder, CEO